reeroses, 54 yo/female
  • Profile Pic
    reeroses ♀
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  • Birthday
    March 24, 1968
    🎂 🎁
  • Country
    United Kingdom
    United Kingdom
  • Real Name: carolann
  • Location: uk
  • Age: 54
  • About Me i live for my family
  • Favourie TV Show dr martin
  • Biggest Jackpot: 10 k
  • Interests: bingo reading driving and spending time with my family
  • Favorite Quote: ur having a giraffe
  • Music: 80s
  • Movies: musicals cowboy and indians and horror
  • Books: joesphine coxs books
  • Children: jemma shane kelly and a grandson alfie-james and a grandaughter sky-rose and a grandson chilli-ray and a new granddaughter elsie-may and a new grandson eddie and a new grandaughter ava rose
  • Pets: german shepherd called tia german shepherd called chase
  • Zodiac: aries
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