electricblue's profile
  • Profile Pic
    electricblue ♀
  • Online Status
  • Birthday
    July 24
    🎂 🎁
  • Country
    United Kingdom
    United Kingdom
  • Real Name: patricia clarke
  • Location: leeds west yorkshire united kingdom
  • About Me I live with my partner of 20 yrs and 3 of my 18 grandchildren..im easy going and get on with most people I enjoy bingo..eating out and family time with my children and granchildren
  • Favourie TV Show greys anatomy
  • Biggest Jackpot: 8000
  • Interests: bingo..family...dining out
  • Favorite Quote: whateverrrrrrrrrrr
  • Music: 50's n 60's
  • Movies: twilight saga...dirty dancing...ghost...fastnfurious 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8...bridget jones...honey
  • Books: none don't do the reading thing
  • Children: 5
  • Pets: 1 African grey parrot...3 shih-Tzu dogs...2 ring neck parrots...1 turtle...3 tortoises...1 snake
  • Zodiac: leo
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