candy63, 59 yo/female
  • Profile Pic
    candy63 ♀
  • VIP
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  • Birthday
    April 2, 1963
    🎂 🎁
  • Country
  • I'm Currently Playing
    30 Ball Canada
  • Real Name: Candy
  • Location: Toronto
  • Age: 59
  • About Me I live in Toronto Canada I have 2 kids they are all grown up and live on there own
  • Favourie TV Show lots lol
  • Biggest Jackpot: 24000
  • Interests: I like bowling ---going out dancing --reading --watching movies watching the bluejays and arogo's weeeeeee
  • Favorite Quote: I love playing bingo and meeting new friends !!
  • Music: rap hip hop
  • Movies: chick flicks
  • Books: i love all true stories
  • Children: 2 kids 1 girl 1 boy 2 Granddaughters There Name's are Kinsley and Charlotte I just had my first grandson his name is Romeo his name is Romeo he was born March 22 2022
  • Pets: 1 cat his name is Zachary
  • Zodiac: aries
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