belle10's profile
  • Profile Pic
    belle10 ♀
  • VIP
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  • Birthday
    January 1, 1970
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  • Country
  • I'm Currently Playing
    75 Ball USA
  • Location: Sydney
  • About Me im easy going but can be very assertive when needed . I love to have a laugh ..I treasure my family and friends I don't hold grudges and I forgive easily..although I don't forget.. lifes to short to
  • Favourie TV Show This is us.neighours .greys anatomy
  • Biggest Jackpot: 58k but shared it with 1 other
  • Interests: football.most sports bingo. reading . toranas.. riding in the ocean.or river .making new friends
  • Favorite Quote: let go let god
  • Music: all genres .music is my obsession my passion
  • Movies: midnight express Shawshank the green mile.ben hur.the graduate all harry potters I have lots I like
  • Books: Bryce Courtney. john Steinbeck.kj McClelland Danielle steele had all the enid Blyton books growing up. harry potter series many more
  • Children: 4girls 1 boy..14grands
  • Pets: got slinky blinker rebel my sausage dog she's 6 and a diva
  • Zodiac: pisces
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